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Shadow Puppets of Kedah

Prince in Purple Pants


Prince in Purple Pants
The puppet depicts the character of a Prince. The puppet is presented in side profile. Also, he is wearing a red ring on his right hand and his fingernails are long and painted red. Similar to the Raja Muda (Crown Prince) puppets in this collection, this prince has long fingernails that likely symbolize their refined and civilized character. There are various patterns presented on his clothes. His right arm is articulated at the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. Made of (goatskin), paint colors (black, green, purple, red, and tan), curved patterns, features (moveable left arm and moveable left arm ligaments), Height: 43 cm, Width: 10.6 cm, Width including left arm extended: 32.8 cm
Made in Southern Thailand
Acquisition date 1974
black, green, purple, red, and tan pigment
Goatskin, bamboo string

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