Reusi- The Sage (Mahaguru)


Reusi- The Sage (Mahaguru)


Reusi is one of the most highly respected characters in Wayang Gedek. He carries a staff and a gunungan or tree of life and brings good messages and advice to certain characters. Reusi in profile and walking posture. Black face, arms, and feet with a hinged and moveable jaw and articulated left arm. One arm of the Resui shadow puppet is articulated at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. The articulated arm is manipulated by a puppeteer via a bamboo rod attached by a knotted cord to the hand. The leather is thin and translucent goatskin. The puppet has been dyed with vivid colors of pigment that permeate the leather and allow the bright colors of the clothing, fan and headdress of the puppet to project through the shadow screen and provide a colorized shadow. Reusi is a traveling sage depicted holding a fan or gunungan in his right hand and a short staff in his left hand which is typical of Southern Thailand. This Resui puppet is depicted with a bent stature, representing his age and wisdom. His feet are bare. The Reusi puppet features a brightly colored and elaborately decorated sarong, shoulder cloth, fan, and bag. He is depicted wearing kata-pa headdress.




yellow, green, red, black, purple, and pink pigment


Goatskin, bamboo string

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