Arjuna, Central Javanese Puppet


Arjuna, Central Javanese Puppet


Shadow Puppet (Arjuna, Central Javanese puppet from the Hindu epic, Mahabharata), Banks collected this and other Indonesian puppets separately; these puppets were not used in wayang kulit performances in Kedah, made of cowhide, paint color (black, blue, gold, brown, green, pink, purple, and red), string (bamboo), curved patterns, features (moveable right and left arm and moveable right and left arm ligaments), Height: 40.9 cm, Width:14.9 cm, width including moveable right and left arm extended: 67.5 cm


Malaysian government shop in Kuala Lumpur


Acquisition date 1974


Cowhide, bamboo string, paint: black, blue, gold, green, pink, purple, and red

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