Nunui and Refined Female Intercourse Scene


Nunui and Refined Female Intercourse Scene


The puppet depicts the character of Nunui intertwined with a refined female character in an intercourse scene. Both puppets are naked and the refined female is upside down hanging across the body of the upright ogre. Nunui's phallus is hanging in front of the face of the refined female. The female is wearing a red and green necklace. Nunui's left arm is articulated at the elbow. Note the foot and right arm of Nunui are intertwined with the left arm and head of the female. The articulated elbow is manipulated by a puppeteer via a bamboo rod attached by a knotted cord. Another bamboo rod is attached to the hand of the female that is clutching on to the foot of Nunui. Made of (goatskin), paint colors (black, green, red, and tan), curved patterns, features (Man and Woman connected) Height: 33.2 cm, Width: 34 cm


Made in Southern Thailand


Acquisition date 1974


Goatskin, bamboo string, paint: black, green, red, and tan

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