Skeleton Hantu (Evil Spirit) without Feet


Skeleton Hantu (Evil Spirit) without Feet


Shadow puppet (Skeleton Hantu) made from goatskin depicting a skeleton specter in profile with bulging eyes, a distended stomach and knobby knees. One arm is articulated at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. The articulated arm is manipulated by a puppeteer via a bamboo rod attached by a knotted cord to the hand. The leather puppet is supported by a central bamboo rod that is tied to the leather figure via cording. The puppet also features a hinged and articulated jaw with a bamboo hinge which can be moved via a fiber cord in order to enable the puppet to appear to speak. The lower legs and the feet of the puppet are missing, possibly chewed away by rats or Dr. Bank’s pet cats while he was in the field. The puppet was painted black to allow it to cast an opaque black shadow through the puppet screen. Dimensions: Height: 61cm Width: 13cm Width including extended articulated arm: 68.4cm Width including moveable right left arm extended: 68.4 cm


Made in Southern Thailand


Acquisition date 1974


Black pigment


Goatskin, bamboo rods, and fiber cording

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