Sancho Ramírez, King of Aragón and Pamplona, r. Aragón 1063-1094 and Pamplona 1076-1094


Sancho Ramírez, King of Aragón and Pamplona, r. Aragón 1063-1094 and Pamplona 1076-1094

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Items with "Relation: Sancho Ramírez, King of Aragón and Pamplona, r. Aragón 1063-1094 and Pamplona 1076-1094"
Title Class
1067 Collection
1067 SANCHO RAMIREZ Collection
SANCHO RAMÍREZ I, 1088 Collection
SANCHO RAMIREZ, 1068 Collection
SANCHO RAMÍREZ, 1073 Collection
SANCHO RAMIREZ, 14 FEB., 1068 Collection
SANCHO RAMÍREZ, 2 MAY, 1090 Collection
SANCHO RAMIREZ, JAN., 1072 Collection

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