Alfonso VI of León and Castile, r. 1065-72 (León) and 1072-1109 (León and Castile)


Alfonso VI of León and Castile, r. 1065-72 (León) and 1072-1109 (León and Castile)

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Items with "Relation: Alfonso VI of León and Castile, r. 1065-72 (León) and 1072-1109 (León and Castile)"
Title Class
12 NOV, 1071 ALF VI Collection
ALF VI, 1 JAN, 1071 Collection
ALF VI, 1 JUNE, 1066 Collection
ALF VI, 1 MAY, 1068 Collection
ALF VI, 1 NOV., 1070 Collection
ALF VI, 10 JAN., 1067 Collection
ALF VI, 1066 Collection
ALF VI, 1067 Collection
ALF VI, 1068 (1) Collection
ALF VI, 1068 (2) Collection
ALF VI, 1070 Collection
ALF VI, 1070 10 DEC Collection
ALF VI, 11 MAY, 1072 Collection
ALF VI, 12/12/1074 - 1/1/1075 ? Collection
ALF VI, 13 APR, 1086 Collection
ALF VI, 13 APR., 1066 Collection
ALF VI, 14 FEB., 1069 Collection
ALF VI, 15 DEC., 1068 Collection
ALF VI, 16 OCT., 1067 Collection
ALF VI, 18 JAN., 1071 Collection
ALF VI, 19 APR, 1066 Collection
ALF VI, 2 SEPT, 1069 Collection
ALF VI, 20 MAY, 1067 Collection
ALF VI, 21 JULY, 1066 Collection
ALF VI, 22 MAR., 1069 Collection

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